Lip Hair Removal

When it comes to hair removal, you have many options. Shaving offers immediate gratification but also causes skin irritation, and the results are short-lived. Waxing offers results that last slightly longer than shaving, but the technique comes with its disadvantages. Laser hair removal has grown in popularity, but it has its downsides, too. Located in New York City’s Midtown, Susan Davina recommends electrolysis for managing unwanted facial hair. The technique offers many advantages for people in Midtown who desire lip hair removal treatments that provide long-lasting results.

Does Electrolysis Work on the Upper Lip?

Removing unwanted hair from your upper lip requires a treatment approach that is precise and appropriate for the most sensitive skin. Electrolysis offers both of these benefits. A low-level electrical current is applied to each hair follicle. This destroys existing hair follicles and prevents new hair from growing back. Susan Davina recommends electrolysis for your upper and lower lip, as well as the chin and other areas of the face.

Is Electrolysis Better Than Laser Hair Removal?

Electrolysis and laser energy work in much the same way. Each technique disrupts the hair growth cycle to provide long-lasting results. Electrolysis, though, is known to offer permanent hair removal more often than laser hair removal. Additionally, electrolysis has fewer risks of side effects.

How Many Sessions are Needed for Removing Lip Hair?

Initially, you may need a series of treatments for your upper lip. The number of sessions is largely dependent on the characteristics of your hair. On average, a person needs a series of five to six treatments every month to achieve permanent lip hair removal with electrolysis.

Does the Hair Grow Back After Electrolysis?

You may notice that you have some hair on your upper and lower lip after treatment with electrolysis. This is normal and due to the cycle in which hair grows. If you have hair follicles that are in the early stages of growth, they will emerge after treatment. This is why Susan recommends a series of treatments initially. Once all the hair follicles are removed, you will see fewer hairs growing back in your lip area.

What Happens During Electrolysis for the Lip Area?

Susan uses a special device to administer a low-level electrical current to each hair follicle. You may experience a mild sensation that feels like a pinch on your skin. Some people also notice a slight warmth in the treatment area.

Learn more about electrolysis in the Midtown, NY, area for lip hair removal. Call Susan Davina Electrolysis & Skincare today at (212) 751-7377 to schedule an appointment with Susan at her New York, NY, office.

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